Math Magic no.1
1. Think of a number between 1 and 20
2. Double it in your head
3. Add 6
4. Divide by 2
5. Subtract the original number from your new number
Pause ……….. The number is 3
(It will work with any number, we just picked
Between 1 and 20 to keep the numbers low.)
Math Magic no.2
1. Think of a number between 1 and 20
2. Double it in your head
3. Add 6
4. Divide by 2
5. Subtract 3
Pause …….. The number is your original number.
Math Magic no.3
6. Think of a number
7. Multiply it by 4
8. Add the number of wheels on a bicycle
9. Cut your number in half.
10. Subtract 1
11. Divide by 2.
Pause ……The number is your original number.